LaserJet,printer,HP,future,forecast,LQP J. Seymour CORPORATE MICRO - "H-P's LaserJet Printer Hushes the......... PC Week 84/07a Jul 3 v.1 n.26 28....Future Competition". Overview of Hewlett-Packard's LaserJet printer shown at Comdex in May, and some predictions.
videodisk,training,education,corporation K. Barnes GETTING UP TO SPEED - "More and More Firms Are Seeing Their......PC Week 84/07a Jul 3 v.1 n.26 29...Way To Videodisk Training".
software,pricing,cost,consumer,purchase,market,markup J. L. Ehrlich SOUND OFF - "IBM May Have Pricked The Mysterious World Of........PC Week 84/07a Jul 3 v.1 n.26 30...Software Pricing". Commentary on software pricing markup.
IBM PC-XT,hard disk,add-on,purchase,consumer,do-it-yourself P. Norton NOTES FROM NORTON - "XT or PC with Add-On Hard Disk? That is....PC Week 84/07a Jul 3 v.1 n.26 31...the Question". A comparison is made between buying an IBM PC-XT outright versus buying a PC and adding on a hard disk driveby yourself.
interview,Coopers & Lybrand,accounting A. Jenkins STRATEGIES - "Coopers & Lybrand Counts IBM Among Its PCs" PC Week 84/07a Jul 3 v.1 n.26 35Interview with management of the accounting firm of Coopers & Lybrand.
education,training,tape,book,audio,visual,aid,consumer,purchase K. Barnes BUYERS GUIDE - "Go Shopping For PC Training Aids" PC Week 84/07a Jul 3 v.1 n.26 39A list of tapes, books, programs, etc. for learning how to use the PC (buyers guide to vendors of training aids).
DBM,information center,commentary S. Atre SPECIAL - "Info Centers & PCs: Should They Be Synonymous?" PC Week 84/07a Jul 3 v.1 n.26 45Commentary on the information center versus personal computer ap-proach to database management.
IBM PC-XT,hard disk,add-on,purchase,consumer,do-it-yourself P. Norton NOTES FROM NORTON - "PC Plus Add-On Hard Disk vs. XT: And........PC Week 84/07b Jul 10 v.1 n.27 32....Now The Winner". Continuation of last week's article compar-ing the outright purchase of an XT versus buying a PC and adding on a hard disk yourself.
hard disk,floppy,backup,XT,FORMAT,data loss J. Seymour CORPORATE MICRO - "Here's the Answer To XT Users' Sad........ PC Week 84/07b Jul 10 v.1 n.27 33...Tales Of Some Hard Losses". Commentary on hard disk losses with the XT, backing up with floppies, and the FORMAT command method of losing data.
32-bit,chip,microprocessor,Intel,forecast,future S. Libes PC SPECULATIONS - "Intel's 32-Bit Persistence May Pay Off - .....PC Week 84/07b Jul 10 v.1 n.27 34....With Help". Third and last installment in a series that exams "the impact of the forthcoming 32-bit microprocessors on desktop workstations".
commentary,editorial,software,documentation,manual,improve M. Minor GUEST EDITORIAL - "Does Quality Decline In Documentation as......PC Week 84/07b Jul 10 v.1 n.27 36...Software Is Improved?". Commentary on whether or not the quality of documentation is improving (we know that the software is).
interview,Yale University,ivy league,education M. Porter STRATEGIES - "PCs Go Ivy League" PC Week 84/07b Jul 10 v.1 n.27 39Interviews with various departments at Yale University.
combo,board,RAM,memory,consumer,purchase,add-on,enhance A. Jenkins BUYERS GUIDE - "Multifunction Boards" PC Week 84/07b Jul 10 v.1 n.27 43Comparative charts for multifunction add-on boards for the PC.
tutorial,Lotus 1-2-3,macros P. Kohler FEATURE - "Unleashing The Power Of Lotus" PC Week 84/07b Jul 10 v.1 n.27 57Tutorial on using macros with Lotus 1-2-3.
education,training,classroom,live J. Mason FEATURE - "Going Live" PC Week 84/07b Jul 10 v.1 n.27 63Discussion of the classroom approach to computer training---the pros and cons.
expert,purchase,consumer,consultant K. Barnes and H. Barnes FEATURE - "Call For Experts" PC Week 84/07b Jul 10 v.1 n.27 67Commentary on "computer experts" and the role that they play in helping you select computer products.
review,Zenith Z-150 PC,compatible H. Krause REVIEW - "Zenith Z-150 Personal Computer" PC Week 84/07b Jul 10 v.1 n.27 78Review of the Zenith Z-150 PC (IBM compatible).
review,FlipTrack,XT,course,education,training,audio K. Barnes REVIEW - "FlipTrack Course: The Audio Method Makes IBM XT Use....PC Week 84/07a Jul 3 v.1 n.26 56Review of "How to Operate the IBM XT" (by FlipTrack Learning Sys-tems).
review,In-Search,Menlo Corp.,communication,database,DBM,Dialog G. Ray REVIEW - "Dialog Database Demystified" PC Week 84/07a Jul 3 v.1 n.26 62Review of In-Search (by Menlo Corp.), a program that "cuts through cryptic access language" of the Dialog database.
review,ZyIndex,ZyLab,DBM R. Webster REVIEW - "ZyIndex: Automatic Indexing Of Database Files Is.......PC Week 84/07b Jul 10 v.1 n.27 80...Simply Fetching". Review of ZyIndex (by ZyLab Corp.), a file-content retrieval system primarily for ASCII files.
review,DESQ,Quarterdeck Office Systems,utility R. Kallenbach REVIEW - "Desq: Organizes Menus For Wide Variety Of Applications"PC Week 84/07b Jul 10 v.1 n.27 90Review of DESQ (by Quarterdeck Office Systems), an operating en- vironment (utility) to allow programs to share memory, providing menus to simplify DOS.
IBM PC-XT,hard disk,add-on,do-it-yourself,board,compatible P. Norton NOTES FROM NORTON - "Mimic XTs If You Play Your Cards---er,......PC Week 84/07c Jul 17 v.1 n.28 20....Boards---Right". Continuation of the previous two articles comparing the outright purchase of an XT versus buying a PC and adding on a hard disk.....a discussion of board compatibility.
democracy,commentary,rights,protect H. A. Karten SOUND OFF - "Personal Computers May Well Prove To Be.............PC Week 84/07c Jul 17 v.1 n.28 21.....Democracy's Best Ally". The positive aspects of a computer-oriented world are examined in terms of individual democracy and the protection of rights.
hard disk,backup,streaming-tape,cartridge J. Seymour CORPORATE MICRO - "Best Hard-Disk Backup Is Still............ PC Week 84/07c Jul 17 v.1 n.28 22......Streaming-Tape Cartridge".
training,education,purchase,consumer,tip K. Barnes GETTING UP TO SPEED - "How to Screen Local Computer Retail.......PC Week 84/07c Jul 17 v.1 n.28 23....Stores For Competent Training". Four questions to ask when shopping for computer training in a computer retail store.
commentary,editorial,documentation,manual,critic,writer,technicalJ. Rigo GUEST EDITORIAL - "Relax, Professor: Some Technical Writers......PC Week 84/07c Jul 17 v.1 n.28 24...Are Improving". A documentation writer offers his commentary on critics of technical writing.
interview,American Airlines,travel,insert J. Pallatto STRATEGIES - "American Airlines: PCs Take Off" PC Week 84/07c Jul 17 v.1 n.28 25Interview with data processing and communications management at American Airlines. [Also, an insert entitled "Management and NewMBAs Leading the Demand for PCs"].
keyboard,input device,mouse,light pen,purchase,consumer,insert J. A. Merritt BUYERS GUIDE - "To Key Or Not To Key" PC Week 84/07c Jul 17 v.1 n.28 35Replacement keyboards and other input devices (e.g., mouse, lightpen, etc.). are listed (buyers guide). [Also, an insert entitled"Alternative Input Devices: Not for Play Only"].
laser,printer,LQP,optical,tutorial,consumer,purchase A. Sommerfeld BUYERS GUIDE - "Time To Beam Up" PC Week 84/07c Jul 17 v.1 n.28 41Short tutorial on laser printer technology and a list of productscurrently available.
review,Lotus 1-2-3,Key II,SALT,Executive Assistant,template E. W. Meyer REVIEW - "`1-2-3' Companions: `Key II' a Winner; Two Other ......PC Week 84/07c Jul 17 v.1 n.28 55.....Template Packages Miss Mark". Review of Key II (by Light- house Software), Executive Assistant (by Reston Publishing), and Systemsmakers Advanced Lotus Tutorial (SALT).
review,R:base 4000,Microrim,DBM G. Perrone REVIEW - "R:base 4000: Relational DBMS Is Both Flexible And......PC Week 84/07c Jul 17 v.1 n.28 62....Easy to Use". Review of R:base 4000 (by Microrim, Inc.).
review,Software Digest,magazine,publication,comparative J. Seymour CORPORATE MICRO - "Software Digest Methods Produce Some...... PC Week 84/07d Jul 24 v.1 n.29 24....Reliable Advice". Review of Software Digest, a new publica- tion devoted to comparative reviewing of software.
marketplace,future,forecast,retail S. Libes PC SPECULATIONS - "Swelling Micro Supply, Ebbing Demand .........PC Week 84/07d Jul 24 v.1 n.29 25...Prompts Retailer Readjustments". First article in a three- part series examining the changing conditions of the IBM PC marketplace.
IBM PC-XT,hard disk,add-on,do-it-yourself,board,compatible P. Norton NOTES FROM NORTON - "Some Hard-Line Advice For Hard-Disk.........PC Week 84/07d Jul 24 v.1 n.29 26....Buyers Who Just Can't Wait". Some more thoughts about pur- chasing a hard disk drive for your PC (see previous three ar- ticles).
commentary,advice,tip,warranty,disclaimer,consumer,purchase J. L. Ehrlich SOUND OFF - "Buyers, Beware of Some Warranties' Unreasonable.....PC Week 84/07d Jul 24 v.1 n.29 27....Burdens". Some warnings about disclaimers that are attached to warranties.
interview,Metropolitan Life Insurance D. Ruby STRATEGIES - "Metropolitan Life: PCs Insure Efficient Management"PC Week 84/07d Jul 24 v.1 n.29 31Interview with employees at Metropolitan Life Insurance Company.
desk,calendar,schedule,organize,utility,reminder,consumer D. Ruby BUYERS GUIDE - "Getting Organized: Electronic Versions of the....PC Week 84/07d Jul 24 v.1 n.29 37....Standard Desk Calendars Can Help". A buyers guide to calendar/schedule-organizer software.
interview,SLAC,Stanford,science,physics,accelerator D. Ruby FEATURE - "Small Computers & Big Science" PC Week 84/07d Jul 24 v.1 n.29 43Interview with employees at the Stanford Linear Accelerator Center (SLAC).
review,Turbo XL,Eagle,compatible H. Krause REVIEW - "Eagle's Turbo XL: Scorching Quickness In Head-to-Head..PC Week 84/07d Jul 24 v.1 n.29 57...Runs Against IBM PC XT". Review of the Turbo XL (by Eagle Computer), and IBM PC-XT compatible.
review,Sidekick,Borland,utility,calculator,calendar,ASCII,editor G. Ray REVIEW-"Sidekick: Borland Program Bargain Bundle Of Timely Tasks"PC Week 84/07d Jul 24 v.1 n.29 66Review of Sidekick (by Borland International), a utility program that turns your PC into a calculator, text editor, appointment calendar, and ASCII conversion table.
optical,disk,forecast,future,memory P. Norton NOTES FROM NORTON -"Optical Disks with Gaggles of Gigabytes......PC Week 84/07e Jul 31 v.1 n.30 20....Signal Mass-Storage Era". Forecasts and predictions on optical disk technology.
editorial,commentary,spelling checker,speller C. Mullins GUEST EDITORIAL - "The Discouraging Word on Spelling Checkers....PC Week 84/07e Jul 31 v.1 n.30 Bundling". Commentary on the current status of spellingcheckers.
word processor,commentary,corporate executive J. Seymour CORPORATE MICRO - "Execs Learn the Word On IBM WP Software: .....PC Week 84/07e Jul 31 v.1 n.30 22....Drafting's Not Rough". Commentary on corporate executive useof word processors as writing tools.
graphics,training,education,boredom K. Barnes GETTING UP TO SPEED - "Use of Graphics Helps Hold the Line.......PC Week 84/07e Jul 31 v.1 n.30 22.....Against Boredom in Training". Various ideas for using graphics to enhance computer training.
interview,Addison-Wesley,book,publisher,edit,textbook,blue pencilA. Jenkins STRATEGIES - "Addison-Wesley: PCs Replace Blue Pencils" PC Week 84/07e Jul 31 v.1 n.30 25Interview with employees of Addison-Wesley Publishing Company in Reading, Massachusetts, who are starting to use the PC to edit textbooks (as well as using them at the business end).
word processor,consumer,purchase J. Pallatto BUYERS GUIDE - "Word Processing: Packages" PC Week 84/07e Jul 31 v.1 n.30 29A buyers guide to word processing packages that includes a large comparative chart (68 entries).
word processor,add-on,spell,dictionary,utility,consumer,purchase C. J. Mullins BUYERS GUIDE - "Word Processing: Add-ons" PC Week 84/07e Jul 31 v.1 n.30 29A buyers guide to word processing add-ons: spelling checkers, dictionaries, proofreaders, punctuation checkers, etc.
advertisement,tip,warning,consumer,purchase K. Barnes FEATURE - "Buyer Beware" PC Week 84/07e Jul 31 v.1 n.30 49Tips on how to read advertising so as not to get taken.
review,CorrectStar,spelling checker,utility,MicroPro,WordStar D. Kennedy REVIEW - "CorrectStar: MicroPro Checker Casts Its Spell Over ....PC Week 84/07e Jul 31 v.1 n.30 55.....WordStar". Review of CorrectStar (by MicroPro), a spelling checker (and corrector) designed for WordStar.
review,Sleuth,C.H. Systems,communication,protect,Smartmodem G. Ray REVIEW - "Sleuth: Security Device Helps Micros Repel Hackers" PC Week 84/07e Jul 31 v.1 n.30 62Review of Sleuth (by C.H. Systems), a "dialback" security device that attaches to the stand-alone versions of the Hayes Smart- modems 300 or 1200.
marketplace,future,forecast,retail,shakeout S. Libes PC SPECULATIONS - "PC-Compatibles Firms Contend with Ripple......PC Week 84/08a Aug 7 v.1 n.31 30........of IBM Price-Cut Slash". Second article in a three-partseries examining the changing conditions of the IBM PC market- place.
PC/IX,UNIX,IBM,PC-DOS,CP/M,blessing,support,OS P. Norton NOTES FROM NORTON - "PC/IX Has Some Drawbacks and Pleasant.......PC Week 84/08a Aug 7 v.1 n.31 31...Suprises as OS". In examining the fact that IBM seems to havegiven its blessing to UNIX (in the form of PC/IX), the author points out that IBM also blessed CP/M.....but supported PC-DOS.
business,commentary,transform,success,growth,interactive J. Seymour CORPORATE MICRO - "Beyond Spreadsheets: Micros Can Make A .......PC Week 84/08a Aug 7 v.1 n.31 32......Business Grow". Commentary on how microcomputers can be used in order to transform a business and make it successful, especially through interactive computing (speed).
customer,complaint,question,support P. Kohler SOUND OFF - "A Better Way is Needed To Resolve Micro Users' .....PC Week 84/08a Aug 7 v.1 n.31 33.....Questions on Software". General discussion the types of problems encountered when one attempts to contact a computer company.
interview,Clairol,hair,dye P. Mandell STRATEGIES - "Clairol Colors Its World with PCs" PC Week 84/08a Aug 7 v.1 n.31 35Interview with employees of Clairol, the hair coloring and hair care products company.
graphics,plot,chart,software,consumer,purchase D. Ruby and C. Shipler BUYERS GUIDE - "Graphics Software" PC Week 84/08a Aug 7 v.1 n.31 41A buyers guide to graphics software with a comparative chart having 36 product entries.
graphics,board,color,monochrome,consumer,purchase A. Jenkins BUYERS GUIDE - "Graphics Boards" PC Week 84/08a Aug 7 v.1 n.31 50A buyers guide to graphics boards with comparative charts: color boards (21 entries), monochrome boards (8 entries), and color/monochrome boards (12 entries).
graphics,monitor,display,color,consumer,purchase J. A. Merritt BUYERS GUIDE - "Graphics Monitors" PC Week 84/08a Aug 7 v.1 n.31 58A buyers guide to color graphics monitors with a comparative chart having 38 entries.
graphics,printer,plotter,color,consumer,purchase J. A. Merritt BUYERS GUIDE - "Graphics Printers/Plotters" PC Week 84/08a Aug 7 v.1 n.31 64A buyers guide with comparitive charts for color graphics printers (17 entries) and color plotters (20 entries).
review,R:base CLOUT,Microrim,DBM,query,conversation,utility G. Perrone REVIEW - "CLOUT: Microrim's Option Puts Plain English In.........PC Week 84/08a Aug 7 v.1 n.31 74....Commanding Role". Review of R:base CLOUT (by Microrim), a conversational language option that simplifies database query.
review,Concurrent CP/M,window,Digital Research G. Perrone REVIEW - "Concurrent CP/M: Digital Research's Multitasker .......PC Week 84/08a Aug 7 v.1 n.31 76....System Does Windows, Too". Review of Concurrent CP/M with Windows (by Digital Research).
review,MS Project,Microsoft,job cost,schedule,manage R. Kallenbach REVIEW - "MS Project: Provides a Tool To Help Manage People, ....PC Week 84/08a Aug 7 v.1 n.31 86.....Projects". Review of MS Project (by Microsoft Corp.), a project scheduling and costing software package.
commentary,compatible P. Norton NOTES FROM NORTON - "Test Flights May Not Let You Know If Your...PC Week 84/08b Aug 14 v.1 n.32 34....Software's Compatible". First of a two-part commentary on the issue of compatibility.
commentary,software,integrated,future,forecast,next generation J. Seymour CORPORATE MICRO - "New Integrated Software: End, Not Start, of...PC Week 84/08b Aug 14 v.1 n.32 35.....a Generation". Forecast of the "next" generation of soft- ware (beyond integrated packages like Framework and Symphony).
education,training,Ashton-Tate,dBASE II,Framework,traveling K. Barnes GETTING UP TO SPEED - "Ashton-Tate Offers Framework of ..........PC Week 84/08b Aug 14 v.1 n.32 36....Traveling University". Ashton-Tate has introduced training courses for Framework and dBASE II that travel from city to city.
commentary,user-friendly H. A. Karten SOUND OFF - "Don't Be Overly Hard On Your PC's Software, or .....PC Week 84/08b Aug 14 v.1 n.32 37....You May Be Sorry". Commentary on may find that a particularly nice feature in a software package causes difficulties elsewhere.
interview,Harris Trust and Savings Bank,insert D. Ruby STRATEGIES - "Harris Bank PCs Capitalize On Opportunity" PC Week 84/08b Aug 14 v.1 n.32 43Interview with employees of Chicago's third largest bank, Harris Trust and Savings Bank. [Also, an insert entitled "PC Targets Strong Sales Prospects"].
Harris Trust and Savings Bank,insert,lockbox,check-collecting D. Ruby "PC Targets Strong Sales Prospects" PC Week 84/08b Aug 14 v.1 n.32 48Insert in "Harris Bank PCs Capitalize On Opportunity" by the au- thor, this article discusses "lockbox" central check-collecting services provided by Harris Bank.
DBM,database,consumer,purchase J. Pallatto BUYERS GUIDE - "Database Management Systems: Sorting Through ....PC Week 84/08b Aug 14 v.1 n.32 51....The Madness". A buyers guide to selected database managementsystems with a comparative chart (52 entries).
UNIX,PC/IX,industry standard,future,forecast,commentary N. Sakowski and L. Baker FEATURE - "UNIX" PC Week 84/08b Aug 14 v.1 n.32 63Commentary on whether or not UNIX (...PC/IX) will become the industry standard of the future.
review,dBASE II,training,education,course,self-paced,tutorial K. Barnes REVIEW - "dBASE II Tutorial: Self-Paced Course Helps Users ......PC Week 84/08b Aug 14 v.1 n.32 72...Learn A Complex Database". Review of "Beginning Instructions for dBASE II" (by Data Processing Educational Corp.), a self- paced tutorial on floppy disks.
review,Expense Account Manager,Adaptive,DBM C. Sandler REVIEW - "Expense Account: DBMS Program Is A Simple Solution ....PC Week 84/08b Aug 14 v.1 n.32 74...To an Irksome Task". Review of Expense Account Manager (by Adaptive Software), a dedicated DBM package to track expendituresfor expense accounts.
review,Cdex,education,training,CP/M-86,course,self-help K. Barnes REVIEW - "Using CP/M-86: Self-Help Course Offers 11 Menus To ....PC Week 84/08b Aug 14 v.1 n.32 82....Learn CP/M". Review of "How to Use Your IBM PC with CP/M-86 and Concurrent CP/M-86" (by Cdex Corp).
marketplace,future,forecast,retail,PCjr S. Libes LIBES LESSONS - "Can Marketing Moves Push PCjr to Full-Grown ....PC Week 84/08c Aug 21 v.1 n.33 34......Stature?" Third article in a three-part series examining the changing conditions of the IBM PC marketplace.
commentary,advice,tip,exhibit,show,faire,exposition J. L. Ehrlich SOUND OFF - "Advice to Exhibitors: Don't Show Up If You Can't ...PC Week 84/08c Aug 21 v.1 n.33 35.....Do a Good Job". Some advice for exhibitors at PC shows.
editorial,commentary,SBIR,small business,money,fund,government M. Minor GUEST EDITORIAL - "Small Companies Can Develop Some Big Ideas....PC Week 84/08c Aug 21 v.1 n.33 36.....With Uncle Sam's Help". Discussion of the Small Business Innovation Research Program (SBIR) in which small businesses withgood ideas can obtain funding for research and development.
spreadsheet,error,formula,check J. Seymour CORPORATE MICRO - "Left Unchecked, Spreadsheets Can Be a ........PC Week 84/08c Aug 21 v.1 n.33 37.....What-If Disaster". Commentary on the fact that spreadsheet analysis is only as good as the formulae you put into them (one should make as many checks as possible).
commentary,compatible P. Norton NOTES FROM NORTON - "PC Compatibility Is More Than Sum of Its....PC Week 84/08c Aug 21 v.1 n.33 39....Off-the-Self Parts". Second of a two-part commentary on the issue of compatibility.
interview,Coca-Cola USA,soda pop,soft drink J. Pallatto STRATEGIES - "Coca-Cola USA: PCs Are The Real Thing" PC Week 84/08c Aug 21 v.1 n.33 41Interview with employees at the headquarters of Coca-Cola USA (in Atlanta, GA).
modem,consumer,purchase J. Merritt BUYERS GUIDE - "Modems: You Can `Reach Out and Touch Someone' ...PC Week 84/08c Aug 21 v.1 n.33 47....From Your PC". A buyers guide to modems with comparative charts: 1200-bps Asynchronous Modems (47 entries) and SynchronousModems (26 entries).
interview,pirate,legal,law,protect,ASP B. Veneri FEATURE - "Software Piracy" PC Week 84/08c Aug 21 v.1 n.33 57An admitted `pirate' and some legal experts are interviewed on "what constitutes software theft and who ultimately is liable?". The Association for Software Protection (ASP) is also discussed.
review,Interactive Business System,IBS,accounting,inventory M. Williamson REVIEW - "IBS: Accounting Package Proves a Standout At ..........PC Week 84/08c Aug 21 v.1 n.33 68.....Inventory Control". Review of Interactive Business System (IBS), an accounting package by Performance Engineered Program- ming.
review,Filepaq,Filepath,utility,DOS,SDA G. Ray REVIEW - "SDA Software: These Pick Up Where PC-DOS Leaves Off" PC Week 84/08c Aug 21 v.1 n.33 78Review of Filepaq and Filepath (by SDA Associates), utility pack-ages to be used with PC-DOS.
network,communication,future,forecast P. Norton NOTES FROM NORTON - "PCs Destined for a Pivotal Role: Family ....PC Week 84/08d Aug 28 v.1 n.34 36....Communications". First article in a two-part series on network communications (the IBM PC's role as a communications processor is likely to overshadow its use as a data processor).
education,training center,vendor-authorized,education,CBT K. Barnes GETTING UP TO SPEED - "Vendor-Authorized CBT Centers Can Simply..PC Week 84/08d Aug 28 v.1 n.34 38...Search for Training". Software vendors, such as Microsoft and MultiMate, have started programs to "identify worthy author- ized training centers" (computer-based training (CBT)).
1984 tax bill,law,legal,IRS,write-off,portfolio J. Seymour CORPORATE MICRO - "Revised Tax Law Write-Offs May Snare Some ....PC Week 84/08d Aug 28 v.1 n.34 39.....Micro Users". Discussion of the 1984 tax bill and what effect it will have on those who write-off a PC for company work that is done at home, or personal portfolio management purposes.
commentary,mainframe,communication,network,LAN D. Schulman SOUND OFF - "Micros and Mainframes: At the Core, a Case Of ......PC Week 84/08d Aug 28 v.1 n.34 40....Apples and Oranges". Commentary on differences between micros and mainframes, and the role of local area networks (LANs)
interview,Oakland-Alameda County Coliseum,arena,stadium M. Porter STRATEGIES - "Oakland Coliseum: Promoting PCs to Manage Events" PC Week 84/08d Aug 28 v.1 n.34 45Interview with management of the Oakland-Alameda County Coliseum.
C language,COBOL,BASIC,FORTH,FORTRAN,APL,Pascal,Modula-2,consumerD. Ruby BUYERS GUIDE - "PC Languages" PC Week 84/08d Aug 28 v.1 n.34 51Programming language buyers guide with comparative charts (no. ofentries): Pascal (11), BASIC (18), Modula-2 (4), FORTH (7), APL (4), FORTRAN (9), COBOL (6), and C (16).
teleconference,communication,network A. Jenkins FEATURE - "Teleconferencing" PC Week 84/08d Aug 28 v.1 n.34 61Overview of computer teleconferencing.
review,Sign-Master,Decision Resources,presentation,graphics,chartC. Sandler REVIEW - "Sign-Master: Makes Versatile Presentation Graphics" PC Week 84/08d Aug 28 v.1 n.34 74Review of Sign-Master (by Decision Resources), a presentation graphics software package
review,LEARN-PC,video,education,training,Lotus 1-2-3,course K. Barnes REVIEW - "LEARN-PC: Video Course Teaches Users Lotus 1-2-3" PC Week 84/08d Aug 28 v.1 n.34 82Review of "Introduction to 1-2-3" (by LEARN-PC Video Systems), a video program that teaches the fundamentals of using Lotus 1-2-3.
network,communication,standard,protocol,future,forecast P. Norton NOTES FROM NORTON - "Categories Are Imperative to Help End ......PC Week 84/09a Sep 4 v.1 n.35 30....Network Confusion". Second article in a two-part series on network communications (discussion centers around standards).
artificial intelligence,AAAI,conference,future,forecast J. Seymour CORPORATE MICRO - "Glimpse of AI's Role In Micros Shows That ....PC Week 84/09a Sep 4 v.1 n.35 31....Wait Will Be Worth It". Overview of the fourth national con-ference of the American Association for Artificial Intelligence (AAAI). Discussion of the role of AI in the PC market.
commentary,jobs,industry,employment H. A. Karten SOUND OFF - "Computer Technology: Unsung Hero of U.S. Job Market"PC Week 84/09a Sep 4 v.1 n.35 32Overview of jobs and industries that are a result of computer technology, as well as some of the "casualties".
education,training,university,college,time-share,mainframe J. Balga GUEST EDITORIAL - "Vendors Are Cramming For Micros Intro 101 ....PC Week 84/09a Sep 4 v.1 n.35 33....On the College Campus". The role of the personal computer in colleges and universities is discussed (e.g., time-sharing on large mainframes can now be significantly reduced).
interview,McKesson,health,drug,water,chemical J. Littman STRATEGIES - "McKesson: PCs Keep The Information Flowing" PC Week 84/09a Sep 4 v.1 n.35 37Interview with employees at the McKesson Corporation in San Fran-cisco, one of the nation's largest distributors of prescription drugs, health care, chemicals, wines, and bottled water.
operating systems,OS,window,consumer,purchase J. Littman BUYERS GUIDE - "Operating Systems And Window Environments: ......PC Week 84/09a Sep 4 v.1 n.35 45......Exploring The Options". Overview of operating systems and window environments. Buyers guide with comparative charts: Win- dow Environments (8 entries) and Operating Systems (23 entries).
story,saga,hacker,computer veteran W. L. Frank and C. Shipley FEATURE - "Saga of a Computer Vet" PC Week 84/09a Sep 4 v.1 n.35 57Story of a computer veteran who, after spending $20,000 over a seven year period, is "still in pursuit of the perfectly config- ured machine".
review,Thoughtware,Managing Time Effectively,training,education D. Kennedy REVIEW - "Time Management: Uninspired Software Is a Good Idea ...PC Week 84/09a Sep 4 v.1 n.35 67.....That's Weakly Implemented". Review of "Managing Time Effectively" (by Thoughtware Inc.), training software to help managers learn to manage their time better.
review,ThinkTank,Living Videotext,organize,idea,thought,manager N. C. Mullins REVIEW - "ThinkTank: Idea Organizer For Managers Is Easy to Use" PC Week 84/09a Sep 4 v.1 n.35 78Review of ThinkTank (by Living Videotext Inc.), a software pack- age that organizes ideas in outline form.
review,performance,AT,speed,horsepower,benchmark P. Norton NOTES FROM NORTON - "All You Need to Know About High ............PC Week 84/09b Sep 11 v.1 n.36 32....Performance Is Spelled IBM PC AT". Discussion centered on performance and the IBM PC AT. A Computing Performance Index anda Throughput Performance Index are given (both = 1 for the PC).
artificial,intelligence,AI,future,forecast,LISP,NaturalLink J. Seymour CORPORATE MICRO - "AI Future is Boggling, but What's Available...PC Week 84/09b Sep 11 v.1 n.36 Users Now?". Continuation of last weeks column on the the status of artificial intelligence, with a look at AI-related products currently available (e.g., LISP, NaturalLink).
training,eduation,CBT,advice,tip,Valley National Bank,Phoenix K. Barnes GETTING UP TO SPEED - "Advice to Firms Pondering CBT: By All ....PC Week 84/09b Sep 11 v.1 n.36 34...Means, Go Ahead". An example (Valley National Bank of Phoenix)illustrates what many companies have experienced when trying to estabish computer-based training (CBT).
electronic mail,communication,pro,con,Postal Service,letter P. Kohler SOUND OFF - "Using Electronic Mail Requires Adjustments of ......PC Week 84/09b Sep 11 v.1 n.36 35...Far Different Sorts". The benefits of electronic mail are many, but "there are some differences between it and regular mailthat take some getting used to".
interview,L. Oliver,OES,S&L,Federal Home Loan Bank Board,money D. Ruby STRATEGIES - "Micros Keep Watch On The Savings Industry" PC Week 84/09b Sep 11 v.1 n.36 39Interview with Louis Oliver, Director of the Office of Examina- tion (OES) of the Federal Home Loan Bank Board, the federal agency that regulates and insures the Savings and Loan industry.
review,spreadsheet,integrated,consumer,purchase A. Jenkins BUYERS GUIDE - "Integrated Spreadsheets" PC Week 84/09b Sep 11 v.1 n.36 47Buyers guide (and reviews) of recent entries in the integrated spreadsheet software market. Comparative charts: Integrated Spreadsheets (21 entries) and PC Week Databox (5 entries).
programmer,contract,free-lance,consultant J. Pallatto FEATURE - "Contract Programming: Have PC, Will Travel" PC Week 84/09b Sep 11 v.1 n.36 59Overview of the "contract programmer" market, free-lance program-mers (consultants) who hire out for specific problems (contracts)
review,R:Graph,Fox & Geller,graphics,utility,R:base G. Perrone REVIEW - "R:Graph: Graphics Software Adds Color, Clarity To .....PC Week 84/09b Sep 11 v.1 n.36 69...`R:base' Products". Review of R:Graph (by Fox & Geller), a companion (graphics) utility for the R:base series of DBM pro- grams.
review,R:base Extended Report Writer,XRW,Microrim,utility G. Perrone REVIEW - "Microrim `XRW': Output Utility Goes Long Way to .......PC Week 84/09b Sep 11 v.1 n.36 72...Write DB Reports". Review of R:base Extended Report Writer (XRW) (by Microrim), an expansion to the standard R:base report- ing utility.
review,Graphics Partner,Brightbill-Roberts,utility G. Ray REVIEW - "Graphics Partner: Fills the Need To Improve All .......PC Week 84/09b Sep 11 v.1 n.36 82...Kinds of Images". Review of Graphics Partner (by Brightbill- Roberts and Co.), a graphics utility program to be used with other graphics packages.
editorial,commentary,demo,floppy,advertise P. Barnes GUEST EDITORIAL - "Software Demos Are An Essential Element In ...PC Week 84/09c Sep 18 v.1 n.37 34....the Buying Decision". Editorial commentary on the importanceof a good demo floppy for a software program.
open windowing,TopView,IBM,review P. Norton NOTES FROM NORTON - "Here's an Inside View Of Open Windowing ....PC Week 84/09c Sep 18 v.1 n.37 35...System from IBM". Discussion of the concept of "open window- ing", and a review of IBM's new TopView system (not available to the public yet).
letter quality printer,dot-matrix,tip,consumer,purchase J. Seymour CORPORATE MICRO - "Selecting Your Printer Need Not Be a Choice...PC Week 84/09c Sep 18 v.1 n.37 36...Between Speed, Quality". Tips on getting the most out of whatis currently available in the printer market (e.g., buy a letter quality for the finished product, and a dot-matrix for the rough)
commentary,keyboard,definition,standard,function key R. Sussman SOUND OFF - "Delete (DEL) Confusion by Installing Keyboard ......PC Week 84/09c Sep 18 v.1 n.37 37...Standards". Commentary on standardizing the key definitions (i.e., F1...F10, PgUp, etc.) in software packages.
interview,Georgia-Pacific,forest,lumber,wood,paper J. Pallatto STRATEGIES -"Georgia-Pacific: Setting The PC Machinery In Motion"PC Week 84/09c Sep 18 v.1 n.37 41Interview with management of Georgia-Pacific Corporation, one of the world's largest forest products companies.
communication,software,consumer,purchase J. Pallatto BUYERS GUIDE - "Communication Software: Expanding The Horizon" PC Week 84/09c Sep 18 v.1 n.37 47Buyers guide to communications software with a comparative chart containing 44 entries.
ergonomics,human engineering,biomechanics,comfort,tutorial W. H. Weiss FEATURE - "Ergonomics. Part 1: The Issues" PC Week 84/09c Sep 18 v.1 n.37 61First of a two-part series on ergonomics.
interview,Bill Gates,Microsoft,history K. Strehlo COMPANY PROFILE - "Microsoft Journeys from Wunderkind to ........PC Week 84/09c Sep 18 v.1 n.37 65...Prime Mover". First in a three-part series on Microsoft, thisarticle features Bill Gates and the company's beginnings.
review,Samna III,word processor,spelling checker C. J. Mullins REVIEW - "Samna III: Provides Flexibility for Most W-P Needs" PC Week 84/09c Sep 18 v.1 n.37 70Review of Samna II (by Samna Corporation), a word processor with spelling checker.
review,P/C Privacy,MCTel,protect,encrypt C. Sandler REVIEW - "P/C Privacy: Keeps Important Files Effectively Under...PC Week 84/09c Sep 18 v.1 n.37 72...Lock and Key". Review of P/C Privacy (by MCTel), encryption/ decryption software to protect any PC-DOS file from unauthorized access.
review,Lotus 1-2-3,Comm-Video,advanced,training,education K. Barnes REVIEW - "1-2-3 Concepts: Video Design Is Weak Point Of .........PC Week 84/09c Sep 18 v.1 n.37 82.....Instruction". Review of "Advanced Concepts of Lotus 1-2-3" (by Comm-Video Productions), video/floppy disk training of Lotus 1-2-3 advanced concepts.
review,combo,board,Quadram,AST,Peryst,STB,multifunction K. Krause SUPPLEMENT - "Multifunction Boards: 1 - Evaluation" PC Week 84/09c Sep 18 v.1 n.37 S3Four boards are reviewed: SixPakPlus (by AST), RIO Plus II (by STB), Quadboard (by Quadram), and Time Spectrum (by Persyst).
combo,board,future,forecast,RAM,memory,trend J. Greitzer SUPPLEMENT - "Multifunction Boards: 2 - Trends" PC Week 84/09c Sep 18 v.1 n.37 S7Overview of the current state-of-the-art of multifunction boards,with a look at future technology. A histogram-like chart lists the RAM expansion capabilities of available boards.
interview,combo,board,consumer,purchase,survey P. Straube SUPPLEMENT - "Multifunction Boards: 3 - Surveys" PC Week 84/09c Sep 18 v.1 n.37 S15Interviews with people who have purchased multifunction boards.
combo,board,RAM,memory,consumer,purchase J. Merritt SUPPLEMENT - "Multifunction Boards: 4 - Buyers Guide" PC Week 84/09c Sep 18 v.1 n.37 S18Comparative charts for multifunction boards: Modular Multifunc- tion Boards (12 entries), Multifunction Boards without RAM (16 entries), and Multifunction Boards with RAM (50 entries).
floppy,drive,1.2-megabyte,AT P. Norton NOTES FROM NORTON - "AT Owners Better Buy Another Floppy Drive...PC Week 84/09d Sep 25 v.1 n.38 54...For File-Writing Needs". The 1.2-megabyte, high-capacity floppy drive that comes with the IBM PC AT is discussed.
J.C. Penney,BUYCOM,inventory,training,education,video,interactiveK. Barnes GETTING UP TO SPEED - "Interactive Video: A Training Catalogue...PC Week 84/09d Sep 25 v.1 n.38 55....for J.C. Penney". Synopsis of the interactive video approachtaken by the J.C. Penney company for training their employees on a large mainframe computer inventory system called BUYCOM.
keyboard,template,function key,key caps J. Seymour CORPORATE MICRO - "A Little Advice on Cheat-Sheets and ..........PC Week 84/09d Sep 25 v.1 n.38 56....Training Wheels". Discussion of cheat-sheets (lists of com- mands next to the keyboard), plastic keyboard templates, and key caps.
commentary,software,purchase,consumer,modular,user-modified P. Kohler SOUND OFF - "Software Purchasers Should Be Able to Have .........PC Week 84/09d Sep 25 v.1 n.38 57...Programs Their Way". Commentary centered around software thatis designed to provide only those functions the user really wantswith other functions available later when needed (modularity).
commentary,evaluation,standard,review N. Karten GUEST EDITORIAL - "Reviewing Reviews: Examine the Standards .....PC Week 84/09d Sep 25 v.1 n.38 60....Used for Evaluation". Commentary on the "standards of eval- uation".
interview,J. Weingarten,Shearson/American Express,stock market A. Jenkins STRATEGIES - "Shearson/American Express: PCs Meet The Big Board" PC Week 84/09d Sep 25 v.1 n.38 63Interview with Jack Weingarten and staff of Shearson/American Express.
maintenance,repair,service J. Littman BUYERS GUIDE - "PC Maintenance Systems" PC Week 84/09d Sep 25 v.1 n.38 69Buyers guide to IBM PC maintenance services with a comparative chart of Maintenance Contractors (19 entries).
ergonomics,human engineering,biomechanics,comfort,furniture J. Greitzer FEATURE - "Ergonomics. Part 2: Design" PC Week 84/09d Sep 25 v.1 n.38 77Second of a two-part series on ergonomics.
contract,law,legal,tutorial,tip,advice A. Bequai, Esq. FEATURE - "Avoiding The Pitfalls Of Computer Contracts" PC Week 84/09d Sep 25 v.1 n.38 85Tutorial on the "ABCs" of a computer contract.
interview,Bill Gates,Microsoft,history,PC-DOS,IBM K. Strehlo COMPANY PROFILE - "Microsoft Expands, Weighs Dependence .........PC Week 84/09d Sep 25 v.1 n.38 89...Against Autonomy". Second in a three-part series on MicrosoftCorporation, this article looks at the early relationship with IBM and the decision to develop PC-DOS.
review,Leading Edge,word processor E. W. Meyer REVIEW - "`Leading Edge' WP" PC Week 84/09d Sep 25 v.1 n.38 98Review of Leading Edge, a word processor from Leading Edge Prod- ucts, Inc.
review,Ven-Tel 1200 Plus,modem,communication H. Krause REVIEW - "1200 Plus Modem" PC Week 84/09d Sep 25 v.1 n.38 100Review of the Ven-Tel 1200 Plus Modem (by Ven-Tel Inc.).
review,Excelerator,Index Tech.,InTech,utility,systems,analysis G. Ray REVIEW - "Index Technology's `Excelerator': A Wake-Up Call ......PC Week 84/09d Sep 25 v.1 n.38 102....for Systems Analysts". Review of Excelerator (by Index Tech-nology (InTech)), a programming tool "designed to assist systems analysts in development tasks".
review,Concourse,Participative Management Skills,training,managerK. Barnes REVIEW - "Participative Management: An Interesting Blend of .....PC Week 84/09d Sep 25 v.1 n.38 114....Book, Computer Work". Review of "Participative Management Skills" (by Concourse Inc.), a training package for managers and supervisors.
interview,American Airlines,travel,insert J. Pallatto STRATEGIES - "Management and New MBAs Leading the Demand for PCs"PC Week 84/07c Jul 17 v.1 n.28 30Insert in "American Airlines: PCs Take Off" by the author, this article continues the interview with data processing and communi-cations management at American Airlines.
keyboard,input device,mouse,light pen,purchase,consumer,insert J. A. Merritt BUYERS GUIDE - "Alternative Input Devices: Not for Play Only" PC Week 84/07c Jul 17 v.1 n.28 38Insert in "To Key Or Not To Key" by the author, this article discusses input devices other than keyboards.
commentary,AT&T,IBM,network,LAN,communication,announcement D. L. Appleman READER SOUND OFF - "Ho-Hummers Missed AT&T, IBM Impact On .......PC Week 84/09a Sep 4 v.1 n.35 35.....LAN Technology". Commentary on AT&T's announcement of the Information Systems Network (INS) and IBM's announcement of a cabling system.